Sunset at Emaar Sky Bar
Gizem Güneş, the beautiful actress of the TV series Teşkilat, was at Emaar SkyView!

Gizem Güneş, the acclaimed actress from the popular series Teşkilat, visited Emaar SkyView. She took a stroll on SkyWalk, Europe’s longest glass terrace, and was mesmerized by the stunning sunset. While enjoying her coffee at Sky Bar, Güneş shared her plans to return with her family for another visit.
This news was featured in prominent newspapers and social media platforms; akifyamann, avmmagazine, gazetevip, Gizem Güneş sosyal medya hesabı, hayaletmagazin, Hürriyet Kelebek, magazin_medyasi, magazinadasii, magazinjokeri, magazinkuryesi, magazinmahallesi, Posta, postmanset, sociapol, Takvim, televizyon_dunyasii, Yeni Asır, Yenigün, Akşam, hayaletmagazin