Her gün 10:00 - 22:00 arası, Son bilet alım 21:15.
An elegant touch to the passion for espresso in every sip!
Macchiato is a type of coffee of Italian origin and is a dense drink consisting of espresso and a small amount of milk foam. The word “Macchiato” means “stained” in Italian, and this name was given because the milk foam added to the coffee slightly stains the espresso. Macchiato is ideal for those who like the taste of strong coffee because the amount of milk is quite low and the intense aroma of the coffee is at the forefront.
The amount of milk or flavored syrup used creates different types of macchiatos. Below are the most well-known varieties:
The amount of milk or flavored syrup used creates different types of macchiatos. Below are the most well-known varieties:
If you want to make Latte Macchiato, heat and froth 200 ml of milk. Pour the steamed milk into a glass. Then, add the espresso on top. Now, your Latte Macchiato is ready! If desired, you can also add caramel syrup to create a Caramel Macchiato.
One of the most frequently asked questions among coffee lovers is the difference between Caffe Latte and Latte Macchiato.
Looking at the literal meanings:
In Caffe Latte, the coffee flavor is more pronounced because the coffee comes first and the milk softens it. In Latte Macchiato, the milk flavor is dominant, making the coffee taste milder.
Macchiato is a classic Italian coffee prepared with intense espresso and a small amount of milk foam, distinguished by its strong coffee aroma and elegant texture.
Her gün 10:00 – 22:00, Son bilet alış 21:15.
Her gün 11:00 – 21:00
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